The rest is politics podcast review
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The Rest is Politics Podcast Review



The Rest is Politics” is a thoughtful and engaging political discourse masterclass. Its unique blend of insider knowledge, respectful debate, and a touch of humour make it a must-listen for anyone interested in politics, regardless of background or political leanings.

It’s particularly appealing to those seeking a deeper understanding of the political landscape without the confrontational tone often found in similar podcasts.


In my latest find in podcasts, I’ve stumbled upon “The Rest is Politics“. a show that genuinely redefines political discourse. Hosted by Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, it’s not just another political podcast. Here’s why it’s a cut above the rest.

First up, Alastair Campbell – remember him? He’s the former Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy. His tenure alongside Tony Blair gave him a wealth of insider knowledge in government workings.

Then there’s Rory Stewart, a man of diverse political and life experiences. Having served as a cabinet minister and possessing an adventurous streak (his travels include a walk across Afghanistan!), Rory brings a distinct flavour to the podcast.

Delving into the core of “The Rest is Politics,” what strikes me most is its fresh perspective on political discourse. It’s not just about the day-to-day machinations of politics; it’s an exploration of the broader implications and undercurrents that shape our world. With Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart at the helm, the podcast delves into contemporary issues with insight that only comes from being deeply immersed in the political world.

They tackle everything from domestic policies to international affairs, weaving in historical context and personal anecdotes. This isn’t just a regurgitation of the news; it’s a thoughtful examination of politics to uncover the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind the headlines. Their conversations challenge conventional narratives, offering listeners a chance to understand the complexities of politics beyond the surface level. This depth, clarity, and perspective blend makes “The Rest is Politics” a genuinely insightful listen.

Alistair Campbell - The Rest is Politics

Hosts’ Background and Dynamic

Delving into the core of “The Rest is Politics,” what strikes me most is its fresh perspective on political discourse. It’s not just about the day-to-day machinations of politics; it’s an exploration of the broader implications and undercurrents that shape our world. With Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart at the helm, the podcast delves into contemporary issues with insight that only comes from being deeply immersed in the political world.

They tackle everything from domestic policies to international affairs, weaving in historical context and personal anecdotes. This isn’t just a regurgitation of the news; it’s a thoughtful examination of politics to uncover the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind the headlines. Their conversations challenge conventional narratives, offering listeners a chance to understand the complexities of politics beyond the surface level. This depth, clarity, and perspective blend makes “The Rest is Politics” a genuinely insightful listen.

Content and Style

Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart adopt a strikingly non-confrontational approach to political discussion, a notable departure from the often combative tone of similar podcasts. They navigate complex issues with a level of civility and respect that’s frankly refreshing. This cordial tone doesn’t dilute the seriousness of their conversations; rather, it enhances them, allowing for a more nuanced exploration of topics without distracting from heated debates.

From my perspective, this approach significantly enriches the listening experience. It feels like a mature, thoughtful conversation that respects differing viewpoints while delving deep into the substance of political discourse. Their style fosters a sense of inclusion and encourages reflective thinking, making it a standout in political podcasts.

Rory Stewart - The Rest is Politics

Critical Reception

The critical reception of “The Rest is Politics” offers varied perspectives.

Fiona McCann from the Irish Times describes it as a soothing, amiable listen, yet with a serious undertone. She appreciates the hosts’ ability to find common ground despite their different political allegiances, suggesting a hopeful message about political discourse​​. (*1)

Samuel Rubinstein of The Spectator offers a more critical view. He perceives the podcast as a spinoff seeking to replicate success without fully grasping the original’s essence. However, he acknowledges moments of personal insight from the hosts, which he finds intriguing​​. (*2)

Edward Wickham, writing for the Church Times, notes that the hosts often congratulate themselves on their courteous relationship despite political differences. He observes that they share similar views on certain issues like Brexit and Boris Johnson, often introducing arguments with phrases designed to soften any directness​​. (*3)

These critiques provide a multifaceted view of the podcast, highlighting its strengths in fostering agreeable political discussions and pointing out areas where it might need more diversity of opinion or depth.

Unique Aspects of the Podcast

“The Rest is Politics” stands out in the crowded field of political podcasts for several reasons. Firstly, its insider view is unparalleled. Having Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, who have been deeply embedded in the political landscape, offers listeners a glimpse behind the curtain of governmental operations and political strategies. This insider perspective provides depth and authenticity that is hard to find elsewhere.

Moreover, the podcast’s ability to foster “disagree agreeably” discussions is truly remarkable. In an era where political discourse often devolves into heated arguments, Campbell and Stewart maintain respect and civility, even when opinions diverge. This makes for a more enjoyable listening experience and sets a standard for conducting political conversations.

From my listening experience, these aspects make “The Rest is Politics” informative and a guide to engaging in meaningful political dialogue. It’s a refreshing break from the norm and a reminder that differing viewpoints don’t have to lead to discord.

A Political Debate

My Final thoughts

“The Rest is Politics” is a thoughtful and engaging political discourse masterclass. Its unique blend of insider knowledge, respectful debate, and a touch of humour make it a must-listen for anyone interested in politics, regardless of background or political leanings. It’s particularly appealing to those seeking a deeper understanding of the political landscape without the confrontational tone often found in similar podcasts.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on “The Rest is Politics.” Have you found its approach as refreshing as I have? Are there aspects of the podcast that resonate with you, or perhaps something you think could be improved? Let’s continue the conversation and share our experiences with this intriguing podcast.



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